Browns Canyon
Browns Canyon is a prized wild trout fishery and critical backcountry big game habitat which is home to some of the best of what's left for hunters and anglers. Trout Unlimited is seeking federal monument designation for Browns Canyon and the Arkansas River that flows through ultimately protecting the valuable trout fishery.
By organizing sportsmen and women Trout Unlimited has been able to secure a large presence at public meetings in turn allowing them to have their voices heard by federal politicians on the matter of a monument designation. The Sportsmen for Browns Canyon coalition aims to work with various supportive groups, such as the Friends of Browns Canyon, to develop a dialogue among sportsmen and women and the politicians. For more information, see the Sportsmen for Browns Canyon website.
Staff Contact
Kyle Perkins, Browns Canyon campaign coordinator
Brad Powell, southwest director, TU's Sportsmens Conservation Project
Author of this Page
Joshua Duplechian